Planning to drop by?
Here are a few things that might be helpful to know…
You can find Forest Hills every Sunday morning at 100 Quarry Road, Leola, PA. There’s ample parking and the building is wheelchair accessible (including bathrooms). Expect a friendly smile and a warm handshake when you enter through the front door.
Looking to connect with people? Sunday School is a great option. Classes for all ages start at 9:30am. A greeter will help you and/or your family figure out which classes might be a good fit for you. For kids, there will be a mixture of games, activities, and a Bible story (and usually a snack!) Adult classes are a mix of Bible studies, topical conversations, and opportunities to share updates with one another and offer prayer and encouragement. During the summer, all adult classes meet together in the Fellowship Hall.
Feeling a bit more introverted? Feel free to show up right around 10:30am and grab a seat in the back. Worship services typically last about one hour.
Bringing the family? Forest Hills takes Jesus seriously when He invites us to welcome children. Kids of all ages are fully included in age-appropriate Sunday School classes and the worship service. There’s a staffed nursery, a preschool class, two elementary classes, Jr. Youth (6th – 8th) and MYF (9th – 12th). During the school year, children in PreK through 2nd often have their own Kids’ Church during the second half of the worship service. When it’s warm outside, leaders will sometimes bring kids out to our enclosed playground area. You can review our Child Safety Policy and be assured that every adult who works with children has completed background checks. Many of our staff and volunteers have experience welcoming kids with special needs, so if your child has a special need (or even just a food allergy!), let their teacher know.
Wondering what a worship service is like? Forest Hills appreciates variety, so our worship services include a mixture of modern songs (usually with piano, guitar, drums, bass) and traditional hymns (often with piano but occasionally a capella). There are opportunities to greet each other as well as an offering to support the ministries of the church, but there’s never any pressure to give. Someone from the congregation reads a passage of Scripture, followed by a 20-25 minute reflection on faith and life. We spend time in prayer before concluding the service.
Curious what to wear? Mennonites are sometimes known for some distinctive styles of clothing, but at Forest Hills everyone is welcome to wear whatever makes them feel comfortable. You’ll likely worship alongside people dressed in anything from jeans and t-shirts to suits or dresses.